Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sumber Research paper ataupun Books

Silahkan yang butuh  Research paper or Books..

Silahkan cari di laman berikut:
2) sci-hub  cek ke

Untuk mencari text books, berikut beberapa link yang dapat digunakan untuk pencarian:

Untuk yang open akses, terdapat beberapa pilihan yang bagus :

1. Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources (ROAD)

Terdapat 13.745 open access resources dari 150 Negara siap diunduh, terdiri dari: 13.062 journal diantaranya 2.625 yang terindex Scopus 240 Academic Repositoriies 202 Monographic Series 126 Conference Proceeding 103 Scolarly Blogs. dan jumlah terus bertambah tiap harinya.

2. Indonesia OneSearch by The National Library of Indonesia, 2016

Terhimpun Journal dan ebook dari berbagai institusi dalam dan luar negeri.
Terdapat 2.734 Journal reputasi berbagai bidang ilmu, sebanyak 21.473.752 artikel jurnal full text avaiable SIAP DIUNDUH, tanpa perlu login.

3. Journals with Open Access options

Dengan mengisi kata kunci title dan abstrak dan conteng kotak filter: Limit to journals with Open Access options.

4. OAJ terindex Scopus yang dikelola Elsevier/Sciencedirect

Kelihatannya terdapat 2.282 jurnal, namun hanya Edisi tertentu dari jurnal tsb yg free.

5. OMICS Open Access Journals

OMICS Internasional is current managing 700 + Open Access Journals in field of Clinical, Medical, Life Science, Pharma, Environmental..

6. IEEE Xplore Digital Library

7. Browse Journals-Wiley Open Access

8. Directory of Open Access Journals

9. Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)

10. BookSC
The world’s largest scientific articles store. 50,000,000+ articles for free.

11. Portal e-journal langganan Kemristekdikti
Untuk Pencarian Terpadu:
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demikian collection yang dapat saya share, silakan bagi yang ingin berbagi, silakan diisi di comment agar bisa saya tambahkan di post ini.

Terima kasih,
semoga sukses research / penelitian nya.


Sumber: Internet, wa.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

18 Things To Start Doing For Yourself in the New Year 2018

“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.” -Meister Eckhart-

This world is a huge place. Billions of humans share it together. We wake up every morning and try to make the most of the day. We go to work. Get tired. Back home. The next day you do it all over again. And the weeks turn to months and months turn to years.
No matter what you doing, you should have a real smile in your face. You should be happy in whatever you doing. That what the life is all about. Live each day like is your last one.
Unfortunatelly this is not the case for many of us. We just chase our routine everyday.

1. Find your passion and turn it into your life purpose.
I love maths, but I love writing too.  They always been my passions. When I started working as maths teacher I loved every minute. But one day I had to leave….
Then I did many different jobs. Humans adapt easy to different life styles.
I been doing different jobs but I lost my purpose. One night I asked myself: why am I not happy what I am missing from life? The purpose, the passion, was the answer…

2. Start valuing your time.
Some people waste their time like they will live forever. Sometimes we all do.
Start valuing your time. It’s precious. It never comes back. Spend it doing what you love doing. Spend it with the right people,  with people you love. With people that mean the world to you.

3. Start being honest with yourself.
You and yourself should always be at harmony and peace. But that wont happen if you are not honest with yourself. Be honest who you are and what you want to achieve. Be clear and honest to what you need to change. Listen to your heart and soul, always.

4. Start facing your problems.
Life is struggle most the time. You have to face your problems. Otherwise they always be there in your way. Take action to every challenge life throws at you. And move on with a smile in your face.

5. Start making your happiness your priority.
Work hard. Live every day to the full. And hope for a better day tomorrow.
Chase your happiness today. Live every little moment. Appreciate and cheerish the people in your life. Fill your life with laughter and love. Be happy.

6. Live in the present.
Every day is present in our lives. So live and enjoy that present. Don’t waste it thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

7. Learn from mistakes and move to next step.
People make mistakes everyday. Mistakes teach us a lesson we didn’t know. We learn and grow through mistakes.

8. Give someone a second chance.
We do get things wrong sometimes. It doesn’t make us bad, only make us human. If someone got it wrong at first attemt give them a second chance..

9. Every day is another chance to improve yourself.
You have a routine everyday but to embrace change we need to improve. Grab each day don’t let it sleep away. You want to be a better you.

10. Take deep breaths when times are tough.
Take deep breaths when life gets hard. It’s not forever. Move forward, don’t give up.

11. Don’t hold grudges, Forgive.
Enough said. Forgive. Light your heart. Live.

12. Take small breaks.
Life can get stressful for everyone. Pay attention to your body and mind. Take small breaks.

13. Be your true self.
Around the world there are millions of successful people. One might live in your neigbourhood.
Just be you. Your true self. Don’t try to be someone you are not.

14. Help others.
There are peope out there who need help. They are quiet people. Maybe they wont even ask for help. They just trying to manage… Please go ahead and help them.

15. Connect with nature.
You know how you feel when you sit and live these moments with nature. You find the inner self. It’s a peaceful connection, really worth living.

16. Treasure the little moments of life.
Don’t sit and wait for big celebrations to be happy. Treasure the little moments that life give you everyday generously. Play football with your kids. It don’t matter who wins. You all win a  great moment of happiness together.

17. Be open to change.
If you think you not living to your full potential, be open and ready for a change. No one knows you better than you know yourself. If I can, you can too.

18. Appreciate the good health more than wealth.
Breathe fresh air. Walk, run, dance, love, laugh. Love more. Appreciate the good health

Source: Internet

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ketika Emas bertemu Tanah

Prolog ini terjadi ketika Emas bertemu dengan Tanah.

Emas berkata pada tanah, “hi Tanah, coba lihat pada dirimu, suram dan lemah, apakah engkau memiliki cahaya mengkilat seperti aku.......???
Apakah engkau berharga seperti aku....... ???” kata Emas dengan sombongnya dan memandang rendah Tanah.

Tanah menggelengkan kepala dan menjawab, “Aku tidak kemilau seperti kamu, namun aku bisa menumbuhkan bunga dan buah, bisa menumbuhkan rumput dan pohon, bisa menumbuhkan tanaman dan banyak yang lain, apakah kamu bisa....... ???”

Emas pun terdiam seribu bahasa......!!!!!

Makna cerita:
Dalam hidup ini banyak orang yang seperti Emas, berharga, menyilaukan tetapi TIDAK bermanfaat bagi sesama.

Sukses dalam karir, rupawan dalam paras, tapi SUKAR membantu apalagi peduli dengan sesama.

Tapi ADA juga yang seperti Tanah. Posisi biasa saja, bersahaja namun ringan tangan siap membantu kapanpun.

Makna dari kehidupan BUKAN terletak pada seberapa bernilainya diri kita, tetapi seberapa besar bermanfaatnya kita bagi orang lain.

Jika keberadaan kita DAPAT menjadi berkah bagi banyak orang, barulah kita benar2 bernilai.

Apalah gunanya kesuksesan bila itu TIDAK membawa manfaat bagi kita, keluarga dan orang lain.

Apalah arti kemakmuran bila  TIDAK berbagi pada yang membutuhkan.

Apalah arti kepintaran bila TIDAK memberi inspirasi di sekeliling kita.

Karena hidup adalah proses, ada saatnya kita memberi dan ada saatnya kita menerima........NIAT BAIK caranya harus baik HASIL BAIK.


Sumber: internet dan group WA